The astonishing images below, is section of "17 Year Cicada" piece of writing which is grouped within "Cicada 17 Years Cycle", "17 Year Cicada Photo Gallery", "17 Year Cicada Cycle" and "17 Year Cicada Grubs".
17 Year Cicada: 17 Year Cicada Facts - There exist 6 species of periodical cicadas: with a 17-year cycle (3) and with a 13-year cycle (3). But all those three species of each life-cycle group differ in size, color, and sound. The 17-year-old cicadas tend to locate in the North, while the 13-year-old ones - in the South. Nevertheless, both types may emerge in the same forest.
Though the insects can hardly fly, the males start their singing, opposite to silent females. And this happens rather soon after emerging.
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